IB Grading/Progress Reports
As many of your student’s teachers explained at Back-to-School Night, we are in the process of converting to IB grading practices. The Progress Report will give you a snapshot of how your child is applying grade-level standards as of today. Please use the Home Access Center (HAC) to see specifics about this score.
A bit about student scoring:
Many teachers have designated two (2) categories for all assignments/activities to fall into. One being 1) “Evidence Toward the Standard” and the other being 2) “ATL-Approaches to Learning.” Each category has been weighted and impacts your students' overall grade differently.
Our goal is for students to know and apply grade-level standards. Therefore, any assignment/activity used to determine how well a student knows and applies understanding is weighted heavier and impacts the overall grade more. These assignments/activities are entered into the category “Evidence Toward the Standard.”
Assignments/activities used for practicing a skill (i.e. accuracy is not “scored”) are entered into the category “ATL-Approaches to Learning.” We want students to see the benefit of practice and not be punished because of errors in understanding. This is their opportunity to make mistakes and fix their understanding before being asked to show and apply their understanding. As such, the “ATL-Approaches to Learning” category doesn’t impact a student’s overall grade much. Many of the assignments we’ve worked on thus far have fallen into the “ATL” category.
This process of determining what (evidence or practice) we are using assignments/activities for and categorizing them accordingly is a shift in thinking for teachers. How this practice transfers to a traditional grade is a shift in thinking for teachers, students, and parents. It will take time. Please reach out to your student's teacher if you have questions or need clarification. We are here to support you and your students!