Service As Action
United with the International Baccalaureate, Camerado Springs places strong emphasis on helping create internationally minded young people who strive to be caring members of their local community. As such, the Middle Years Program (MYP) students are expected to complete three (3) hours of volunteer work during their 7th grade year.
Service-as-action is a requirement of the IB-MYP. It is a unique opportunity for students to build authentic connections between what they learn in the classroom and what they encounter in the community. Service projects may include taking responsible action to educate yourself, inform others, advocate for change, and undertake service. Action can be a range of activities at gaining experience, knowledge, and understanding of themselves and others (learning).
Service opportunities give students the ability to find a niche in the community and work toward helping the greater good. Service hours do not need to be completed all at one time. Some find it helpful to break up hours and explore different options in our community. When your student has logged an hour, please have him/her complete the Service as Action Form (linked here) to ensure their work has been documented.
This 7th Grade service opportunity builds toward a Community Project in their 8th Grade Year - where, instead of volunteering, students will be putting their knowledge, skills and experience together and designing a project that aims to better a community.
-MYP Principles to Practice (2017)